Hello, glad to see you,friend


So long no seen

I've not missed you!

I love dogs I love dogs I love dogs I love dogs I love dogs I love dogs I love dogs I love dogs I love dogs I love dogs I love dogs I love dogs I love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogsI love dogs SHIT end!

this party will never end!

this party will never erm end!

this party will never hihi end!

this party will never hahaend!

this party will never sup end!

I swear Im not regretevator !!! fan!

I swear Im not regretevator damn fan!

I swear Im not please not regretevator fan!


Ordered List!

  1. create a site
  2. be happy!

Ordered List!

  1. create a site
  2. be happy!

Desc. list!

smell like shit


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday THursday Friday
Closed Closed Closed Opened ClosedClosed

SO, as we might know, there is A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, 2009, is this young man's birthday. Though it was thirteen years ago he was given life, it is only today he will be given a name!

Your name is JOHN. As was previously mentioned it is your BIRTHDAY. A number of CAKES are scattered about your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for REALLY TERRIBLE MOVIES. You like to program computers but you are NOT VERY GOOD AT IT. You have a fondness for PARANORMAL LORE, and are an aspiring AMATEUR MAGICIAN. You also like to play GAMES sometimes.

Out of sympathy for John's perceived lack of arms, you pick up the CAKE for him and put it on his BED.

You retrieve your FAKE ARMS from the chest. You use these for HILARIOUS ANTICS.
